[mmgsoc] Pipermail Archive-UI

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Mon Jun 13 18:03:59 CEST 2011

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> If the References/In-Reply-To headers will do the trick, that's great.  I'm
> not opposed to making some changes to the MM3 code base to better support
> this, if we find that +conversation is necessary.  We'd have to figure out how
> to integrate this with the various MTAs and the LMTP server in Mailman.

I don't think +conversation will be necessary because probably a few 
misplaced messages in a conversation thread isn't a showstopper (and it 
can happen with +conversation too, although it's likely more rare).

But I *do* think +conversation is useful for other reasons that we might 
want to consider: the big one being that people can then unsubscribe 
from conversations they hate without having to leave the list or write 
their own filters.  Systers has a clickable "leave this conversation" 
link and it's pretty darned slick.  Having used our existing "topics" 
interface extensively on another list, I'd like to see +conversation 
used to augment our current topic structure.


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