[Microbit-Python] Potentially Interesting Talk at The National Museum of Computing

Nevil Hunt nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Feb 17 18:10:04 EST 2017

Hi Andrew,

Yes, it was a fascinating talk. And the good news is that it was recorded by TNMOC and their Tweet earlier today says that it will be posted in YouTube.



From: Microbit <microbit-bounces+nevil.hunt=hotmail.co.uk at python.org> on behalf of Andrew Ferguson <andrewferguson500 at gmail.com>
Sent: 13 February 2017 22:06
To: Python-MicroBit
Subject: [Microbit-Python] Potentially Interesting Talk at The National Museum of Computing

Hi all,

I stumbled across this talk by Bill Thompson the other day. It covers the 'challenges and successes' of the micro:bit project and looks really interesting (to me at least), but I'm over 300 miles away, so cannot attend. The cost is around £15.

Event     Bill Thompson - BBC Make it Digital: Challenges and Successes
Venue     The National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes
Date     Thu 16 Feb 2017 at 6:00PM
Section     General

If anyone does go, do let me know how it was. There was a similar talk several months ago, and I emailed TNMOC to ask if they would be able to record the talk and upload the recording. I never got a response, and so I assumed that this would not be possible, but if anyone does decide to go, and would be able to record the talk (even audio would be fine) that would be amazing. Or, if Mr Thompson uses slides, ask him to upload them / share them.

Kind regards and happy micro:bit-ing...
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