[Microbit-Python] JSON on micro:bit

Damien George damien.p.george at gmail.com
Sun Apr 9 06:11:03 EDT 2017

Unfortunately there is no easy way to deal with JSON data.  You could write
your own parser/formatter in Python, or you could copy across the code from
the main MicroPython repository for the ujson module and compile it into
your own custom firmware.

On 9 April 2017 at 19:36, Joseph Bunce <bunce.joe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there any other way to load and dump JSON then or not?
> On Sunday, 9 April 2017, Damien George <damien.p.george at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, the ujson library is not enabled on the micro:bit, due to size
>> constraints.
>> On 9 April 2017 at 07:31, Joseph Bunce <bunce.joe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>> In the micro python (not micro:bit) documentation, it seems you can get
>>> access to the ujson library which has the basic dumps() and loads()
>>> methods. Is it possable to access this on the micro:bit an it does not seem
>>> to ba a listed module? I am aware that you can sortof use eval() to achieve
>>> the same end but this is generally very much suggested against.
>>> Thanks.
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