[Microbit-Python] Microbit Python Doc translation

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Oct 31 15:33:58 EDT 2016

OK Folks,

I've had time (on my train ride home) to look into this and here's what
I've come up with:

* We host our documentation on ReadTheDocs.
* The relevant aspect of their documentation is here:
* Put simply, we create a new project for each translation (presumably a
Sphinx doc repos on GitHub) to actually hold the translated resources
and I can add them as "translations of" the main repos whose main
language is English.
* Each of the translations will need to be configured correctly to
reflect the target locale (see the docs linked above).
* Read the Docs figures our the relationships and displays the
appropriate links between all the related translation projects.

So, next steps are:

1) Make a new Sphinx project that mirrors the structure of our "docs"
directory. Call it something obvious like, for example,
microbit-micropython-es (for Spanish).

2) Register the project on ReadTheDocs (see docs referenced above for
how to do this).

3) Create a new issue in the microbit-micropython repos pointing to the
ReadTheDocs project that forms the translation. We'll do it as an issue
so others can see how it's done and different translations get visibility.

Does this make sense? Happy to get feedback, constructive critique and
ideas. I'll also write this up as part of the "main" docs associated
with the project so there's further visibility of the process. The PR is
here: https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython/pull/371 for people to
comment should they wish to before I'll merge it in a day or so.

Yay! Many thanks in advance for all your help with translating these

Best wishes,


On 31/10/16 10:26, Miklós András Danka wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm Miklos Danka, a software engineer and a teacher (here's an example
> <http://blog.miklosdanka.com/tech-camp-beta-the-first-session>). I'm
> writing regarding the BBC Microbit Python edition - please let me know
> if this is not the right place or contact for it.
> First of all: *it's really awesome.* Incredible job, especially around
> the documentation, which even less experienced kids understood well.
> Very very cool.
> Since I teach kids in Hungary, I wanted to translate the documentation
> <https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> to Hungarian.
> My question is: *do you have a recommended/preferred way of publishing
> the translation?* I can always just fork the repository - but that would
> miss out on the benefits of having the documentations tracked together
> at the same website.
> Would you recommend it as a Sphinx "version" (next to "latest" and
> "stable")? Or does Sphinx provide and orthogonal translation feature?
> Any ideas/suggestions would be very welcome and appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Miklos
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