[Microbit-Python] Creating Hex File from Mu?

Nevil Hunt nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Nov 1 12:49:48 EDT 2016

Thanks David/Carlos

Yes, that works!

It gives the Hex file the default file name


so I just needed to rename it.

As far as the Web Editor is concerned the "start with this editor" button takes you back to the BBC version.

I should have used the "try beta editor with radio" button which takes you to microbit.org (the clue was in the button name but I didn't spot it first time!)


From: Microbit <microbit-bounces+nevil.hunt=hotmail.co.uk at python.org> on behalf of David Whale <david at thinkingbinaries.com>
Sent: 01 November 2016 16:17
To: For Pythonic MicroBit related disucssions
Subject: Re: [Microbit-Python] Creating Hex File from Mu?

Yes just leave micro bit unplugged and when it says 'find microbit' just navigate to the folder to save it. It will create a local micropython.hex that is the file that would have been flashed.


On 1 Nov 2016 3:46 pm, "Nevil Hunt" <nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk<mailto:nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk>> wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a way to generate a Hex file from Mu, rather than just downloading it directly?

The reason why I'm asking is that once I've finished a program I like to keep the Hex file so I can quickly reload it without access to Mu.

I've been doing this by developing in Mu but once complete copying-and-pasting into the Web Python Editor to generate the final Hex.

I've now just started using the Radio module and the Web tool doesn't yet support Radio!

Alternatively is there a way to read the Hex file off a micro:bit? Then I could program using Mu and save the final Hex file by reading it back from the micro:bit.



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