[Microbit-Python] Nordic Memory Access

Coryan coryanws at gmail.com
Thu May 26 07:55:24 EDT 2016

Hello folks,

I've been having a pretty fun time adding inline assembler to my 
MicroPython scripts. As much fun as it is, it does also make debugging 
my code a bit tricky, and I'm not entirely sure that my read operations 
are working correctly.

I was wondering anyone knows whether there are any areas in the Nordic 
chip's memory that have a fixed value, like a cpuid or something? If so, 
would you be able to tell me what their values ought to be on my device, 
or else where I'd be able to look those values up? I can then try 
reading this location and verify that my reads are working as intended.

Thankyou once again for you help!

Best Wishes,

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