[Microbit-Python] I/O pins pull-up/down/float

Nigel Kendrick nigel.kendrick at gmail.com
Sun May 15 08:01:01 EDT 2016

Hi Folks,


I see that the micro:bit runtime defines a pin mode for the GPIO internal


Int setPull ( PinMode pull)




Configures the pull of this pin.




    pull - one of the mbed pull configurations: PullUp, PullDown, PullNone




MICROBIT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the current pin configuration is anything other
than a digital input, otherwise MICROBIT_OK.


But I don’t see this abstracted to any of the end-user coding environments
(I may be wrong – be gentle with me as I am still getting up to speed here).
Is there a default behaviour for I/O pullups/downs/floats or a recommended
way to handle this with MicroPython on the micro:bit?


Tldr; I am deciding whether I need external pullups/downs on a board I am




Nigel Kendrick 

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