[Microbit-Python] Introducing myself

Nigel Kendrick nigel.kendrick at gmail.com
Fri May 13 17:17:41 EDT 2016

Hi Andrew,


Thanks for the message and info. I have been advised today that not all of the LED matrix driving lines are broken out to the edge connector, which is a bit of a bummer, but there you go.


Continuing the trend of not starting a trend, and since you mentioned the BBC Micro – here’s some pics of my 1979 Acorn System-1 – it was designed by Sophie Wilson, who also worked on the design of the BBC Micro. 


I don’t have a pic of the micro:bit with the System-1 yet, but I plan to do a bit of coding for both and link them together so something like a message ticker runs from one display to the other – some form of “handshake across the ages”! 




All the best




From: Microbit [mailto:microbit-bounces+nigel.kendrick=gmail.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Andrew Ferguson
Sent: 13 May 2016 21:41
To: Python-MicroBit <microbit at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Microbit-Python] Introducing myself


On 13/05/16 13:40, Nigel Kendrick wrote:

Anyhow, I am currently working on some audio/visual add-ons (workshop notes, schematics and code to be open source) and am keen to link up with any people or resources related to the micro:bit - especially hardware-related stuff which seems to be a bit sparse and scattered around at the moment (reading NRF chip specs over here, scouring the DAL..., whipping out the logic analyser...!). Does anyone have a shareable schematic yet - especially for the display matrix to save me some time in working it out!!??

I think that the full schematics are yet to be released by the BBC. From the micro:bit open source page (microbit.co.uk/open-source <http://microbit.co.uk/open-source> ):

Please note, the remaining items of the BBC micro:bit project open source portfolio will be made available from this page after completion of the delivery of BBC micro:bits to children – expected to be in May, 2016.

There is, however, a pinout diagram <http://microbit-spy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/microbit_connector_pinout.png>  for the micro:bit which lists Pin 3 as LED Column 1, Pin 5 as LED Column 2, Pin 10 as LED column 3, Pin 7 as LED Row 1, Pin 6 as LED Row 2 and Pin 9 as LED Row 3. Perhaps this will help?


Fun and games pics here for those interested: https://imgur.com/a/Rn6Cr


I like the photo next to the servers, and the supercomputer. Not intending to start a trend, but:
http://imgur.com/a/zmPSA. Note that sadly I don't own the NeXT (brought along to a coding club) or the BBC Micro (my school's) - but I do have two BBC Micros of my own (only one is working currently).


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