[Microbit-Python] Introducing myself

Nigel Kendrick nigel.kendrick at gmail.com
Fri May 13 08:40:29 EDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

I've just subscribed to the list and wanted to say 'Hi'.

I am a Support Engineer (enterprise disks, flash storage and object storage
systems) with HGST (Western Digital) working on a personal and voluntary
level as a STEM Ambassador. In a past role I was an electronics engineer
working on analogue, digital and mixed-signal systems.

With reference to the micro:bit, I have one via STEM Sussex with a brief to
become familiar with the design and use in order to support classroom
activities and other STEM ambassadors. Along the way, I am developing some
project ideas, hence the interest in the I/O and programming.

Anyhow, I am currently working on some audio/visual add-ons (workshop
notes, schematics and code to be open source) and am keen to link up with
any people or resources related to the micro:bit - especially
hardware-related stuff which seems to be a bit sparse and scattered around
at the moment (reading NRF chip specs over here, scouring the DAL...,
whipping out the logic analyser...!). Does anyone have a shareable
schematic yet - especially for the display matrix to save me some time in
working it out!!??

Fun and games pics here for those interested: https://imgur.com/a/Rn6Cr

All the best

Nigel Kendrick
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