[Microbit-Python] MicroPython editor to launch on microbit.co.uk from tomorrow morning (UK time)

Russell Keith-Magee russell at keith-magee.com
Wed Mar 9 19:12:17 EST 2016

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 1:05 AM, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org>

> Hi Folks,
> What the subject says. You wouldn't believe the "fun" that's been had to
> get this far. Here's hoping the kids and teachers like it.
> FYI - here's what the production team who filmed some kids using it
> yesterday tweeted:
> https://twitter.com/mrsclaessens/status/707184566180716544
> (Also see my reply).
> Many thanks to all on this list who helped us get to this point.

Piling on at this point, but a huge congratulations to you and everyone
else involved. Really excited to see how this develops.

Russ Magee %-)
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