[Microbit-Python] Next coding steps - 'C'?

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Wed Jun 22 08:22:00 EDT 2016

On 22/06/16 12:09, Antony Watts wrote:
> Hi
> As I see it the programming experience is in steps
> “Block” type visual editors MicroPython editors and program code
> What would seem to me to be the next step is a ‘C’ code editor and
> compiler. - Arduino IDE-like, stand alone, desk-top.

That depends. The whole point of MicroPython is that you don't have to
feel the pain of having to use C (i.e. a higher-level general purpose
language like Python is a lot easier to get stuff done it).

Having said that, C can be a lot of fun and if you're wanting to learn
about working at a lower level it's perhaps the thing to learn.

> Do you know if anyone is working on this. In particular I have an
> application that needs a lower level access and to be able to use the
> “radio” functions?

You should probably get in touch with ARM. Their mbed platform is C/C++
based and the mirco:bit is based upon their platform.

Also, we'll have a radio module in MicroPython very soon. We're
currently finalising the API, although Damien has a proof-of-concept
branch in the repos.


> Reds
> Antony Watts _______________________________________________ Microbit
> mailing list Microbit at python.org 
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