[Microbit-Python] [python-uk] Microbit motion sensors at PyCon UK Teachers' Day

Leona So leonaso43 at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 20 04:41:16 EDT 2016

Hi Stephen,

I teach Maths at a FE college, have general interest in programming
especially Python and would be more than happy to help. The only downside
is I don't have access to a microbit, it's hard to get hold of one. I used
it briefly during microbit training sessions with STEMNET, so I may be able
to provide some ideas!




On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:56 AM, Stephen Simmons <mail at stevesimmons.com>

> Hi everyone,
> Would anyone like to help me put together a microbit session for the PyCon
> UK teachers' day using motion sensors? My plan is to use python on the
> microbit to illustrate some motion-related maths/physics principles from
> accelerometer/gyroscope data.
> Ideally we would prepare some exercises with direct relevance to classwork
> that teachers could take back to their students and use right away.
> So if you know microbits and are keen to help, get in touch!
> If you are a teacher with ideas you'd to implement, or you know teachers
> with ideas, then get in touch too.
> The deadline for proposals is in 2 weeks...
> Cheers
> Stephen
> P.S. I have also submitted a proposal on sensor fusion algorithms for the
> main PyCon UK conference, using MetaWear PRO wearables. They can transmit
> 9-axis accelerometer/gyroscope/magnetometer data over Bluetooth in real
> time. The microbit, as I understand it (mine will arrive in 2 weeks...)
> doesn't have enough memory to load Python and Bluetooth together. So we
> will have to be more creative about logging/retrieving results. Plenty of
> time to work through this in July/August. First step is the proposal....
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