[Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors

Nilesh Gajjar gajjar.nilesh at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 15:03:05 EDT 2016

Many Thanks Nevil.

On 19 Jul 2016 10:36 a.m., "Nevil Hunt" <nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Nilesh,
> Yes, I found them tricky to track down!
> You also need to buy both the housing and the crimp pins separately and
> both have a minimum order quantity.
> Then when you get them if you don't have the right crimp tool it is
> difficult to crimp the wires.
> You may find it cheaper and easier to order a micro:bit battery holder,
> say from Kitronik, which comes with the right connector fitted, then cut
> the wire and attach it to your battery pack.
> But if you want to buy the individual connectors I bought these from
> Farnell:-
> JST Battery Connector 2 pin Crimp Housing PHR-2   Farnell Order Code
> 3616186
> JST Battery Connector Crimp Pins BPH-002T-P0.5S  Farnell Order Code 3617210
> Cheers,
> Nevil
> ------------------------------
> From: gajjar.nilesh at gmail.com
> Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 20:31:45 +0100
> To: microbit at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and
> Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
> Hi Nevil
> Can you please share the JST Connector Part number?
> I am struggling to find one over google.
> Thanks
> -nilesh
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Nevil Hunt <nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk>
> wrote:
> Hi Nigel,
> By the end of next week I should be in a position where I can send you
> some boards. By then I hope to have a few more of my custom connectors
> available.
> For the designs you have in mind, which GPIO will they use? The reason why
> I ask is that designs that just use P0, P1 and/or P2 will work without the
> custom connector. Designs that use the other GPIO need the connector.
> Your design ideas certainly sound interesting. I've tinkered with some
> audio designs but it's really not my area of expertise so I'd be interested
> in seeing what you can come up with. I plan to be at Pycon in Cardiff on
> the Friday and it would be good to meet if you are there that day. I am
> also at the IET micro:bit day on the 29th July in London in case you (or
> anyone else) is there that day.
> As far as publishing anything with my boards on them I'd like to wait
> until a time when people if they want to can obtain them and I'm not yet
> sure when that will be.
> As for the JST connectors I have plenty of them. I had to buy 50 and I'm
> only ever likely to use about a dozen so I can put a few in with the boards
> I send you along with the crimp pins to go with them. If you don't have a
> crimp tool you might have to improvise!
> Let me know what address to post everything to.
> Cheers,
> Nevil
> ------------------------------
> From: nigel.kendrick at gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 13:25:54 +0100
> To: microbit at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and
> Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
> Hi Nevil,
> Happy to receive anything you have to spare - solderable boards are fine.
> Let me know if you want postage/costs covered.
> Incidentally, I was laying out some boards of my own with specific
> circuits on them to be published as Open Hardware DIY projects, but maybe I
> could think about just (or also) publishing a working layout and BOM to fit
> your boards. I have an all-in-one audio board with spectrum analyser, 3V
> Class D audio amplifier, electret mic amplifier and a sound detector/alarm
> circuit; that might be a squeeze for one board, but they could be split
> into 3 separate circuits (a Spectrum analyser, an audio amp and a mic/sound
> detector).
> Finally, do you know the exact part code (or Farnell/RS stock code) for a
> JST plug to fit the power connector on the micro:bit; I thought I was bound
> to have some in my parts bins, but it was not to be. I already have half a
> dozen battery holders just waiting for the right connector.
> A meetup at Pycon would be good.
> Nigel
> On 27 June 2016 at 18:12, Nevil Hunt <nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Stephen, Leona, Nigel,
> If your ideas need extra sensors connected to the micro:bit I'm happy to
> send you some of the boards I've had made which make doing so easier (see
> attached photos)
> zbit:builder bolts onto the bottom of the micro:bit and provides a grid
> for components to be soldered with access to all GPIO and power.
> zbit:breadboard is similar but requires no soldering.
> Also, I've just submitted a proposal to demonstrate some of my other
> zbit:connect boards on Teachers day at PyCon so I look forward to meeting
> you and anyone else involved with micro python on that day.
> Regards,
> Nevil
> ------------------------------
> To: microbit at python.org
> From: mail at stevesimmons.com
> Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 01:20:58 +0100
> Subject: [Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and Physics
> teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
> CC: stestagg at gmail.com; leonaso43 at googlemail.com
> Hi everyone,
> I mentioned on this list a couple of weeks ago an idea to run a session at
> PyCon UK Teachers' Day on using the Micro:bit's motion sensors.
> A number of people - including Leona, Steve and Nigel (Cc-ed) - replied
> wanting to get involved.
> Encouraged by this, I have just submitted the outline below. It hopefully
> gives the conference organisers enough to say "Yup, go for it" while
> leaving a lot of space for us to decide exactly what to present.
> I am on holiday next week so will finally have time to email everyone who
> has expressed interest about working together sorting out the details.
> Thanks
> Stephen
> *Title: *
> Enriching Maths and Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
> *What are you proposing? *
> A workshop for Teachers' Day
> (duration/number of attendees are flexible. TBD with PyCon UK organisers)
> *Abstract: *
> The BBC Micro:bit has powerful accelerometer and compass motion sensors.
> While they are fun for kids to play with, we show how they can also be used
> in class to bring some key Maths and Physics principles to life.
> This workshop session is intended for teachers who want to learn about
> using  micro:bit in their classes. No specific knowledge of micro:bit or
> Python programming is assumed. People who already know Python and micro:bit
> are also welcome to join in, especially if you can help the teachers get
> started.
> Teachers and helpers are asked to send their ideas for teaching examples
> to me at mail at stevesimmons.com well before the Teachers' Day. We will
> write up several examples to present in full, with some others as group
> exercises.
> *Why will people be interested: *
> This is a practical session to help teachers integrate micro:bit into
> their classes. It can accommodate all levels of experience and teachers and
> non-teachers are welcome.
> *What level of audience: *
> Novice
> *More information about you (public): *
> Stephen has been a Python programmer since 2000. He trained as a
> mathematician and electrical engineer, with a PhD in signal processing for
> radar target detection. After a period as a management consultant, he
> worked for credit card companies in Australia and The Netherlands, running
> areas like marketing, risk, operations and strategy. Six years ago, he
> moved back into technology and joined JPMorgan in London, where his team
> uses Python to build trading, risk management and analytics systems.
> *More information about you (private): *
> I presented the tutorial "Pandas from the Inside" at PyData London on 6
> May 2016. I have also submitted a separate proposal on motion sensors data
> fusion for the main PyCon UK conference.
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