[Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Jul 11 09:55:54 EDT 2016


We're trying to source micro:bits for use at PyCon UK. Not sure if we'll
be successful but a significant amount of effort is being made to have
some at the conference for people to play with.

I had promised to deliver a bunch of the devices I'd been given in the
spring (pre-launch) but was told to stop for "reasons". (In fact I was
asked to recall them and return them to the BBC, but I ignored that
request and the person who made it has now left the BBC).

I could post people a device if they ping me an email with their address
or they come to Paddington where I work,  although this won't happen any
time soon given that I'm preparing for next  week's EuroPython, a new
release of MicroPython for the micro:bit and a significantly improved
Mu. You're looking at the start of August as an ETA.

If I can help, I will. However, I'm snowed under and may not be quick
and/or require reminding (I don't mind being reminded).

Hope this helps,


On 11/07/16 14:50, Nigel Kendrick wrote:
> I have one Microbit via the STEM network, but according to the local
> STEM office they had to jump through significant hoops to get hold of a
> few. If there is a route for people in our situation
> (developing/promoting the product off our own backs), then please let me
> know too!
> I’m waiting to see what comes of this proposal for PyCon; I have a full
> electronics development workshop at home (aka half the spare room) so am
> happy to help with development and testing.
> All the best
> Nigel
> *From:*Microbit
> [mailto:microbit-bounces+nigel.kendrick=gmail.com at python.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Leona So via Microbit
> *Sent:* 11 July 2016 13:47
> *To:* Nevil Hunt <nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk>
> *Cc:* Leona So <leonaso43 at googlemail.com>; Stestagg
> <stestagg at gmail.com>; mail at stevesimmons.com; microbit at python.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and
> Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
> Hi Nevil,
> That would be brilliant! I need to get hold of a microbit first, because
> I work at college we don't get any, and it seems impossible to buy one
> anywhere, unless you know where I could get hold of one?
> The best thing for teachers to take away would always be pin-pointing
> exactly where it fits in the teaching curriculum, and how to move on
> from the project, which, I would be able to help.
> I will be on leave from this Thursday until mid August, so may be slow
> in replying emails!
> Thanks and I look forward to support you on this!
> Regards,
> Leona
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Nevil Hunt <nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk
> <mailto:nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk>> wrote:
>     Hi Stephen, Leona, Nigel,
>     If your ideas need extra sensors connected to the micro:bit I'm
>     happy to send you some of the boards I've had made which make doing
>     so easier (see attached photos)
>     zbit:builder bolts onto the bottom of the micro:bit and provides a
>     grid for components to be soldered with access to all GPIO and power.
>     zbit:breadboard is similar but requires no soldering.
>     Also, I've just submitted a proposal to demonstrate some of my other
>     zbit:connect boards on Teachers day at PyCon so I look forward to
>     meeting you and anyone else involved with micro python on that day.
>     Regards,
>     Nevil
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     To: microbit at python.org <mailto:microbit at python.org>
>     From: mail at stevesimmons.com <mailto:mail at stevesimmons.com>
>     Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 01:20:58 +0100
>     Subject: [Microbit-Python] PyCon UK proposal - Enriching Maths and
>     Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
>     CC: stestagg at gmail.com <mailto:stestagg at gmail.com>;
>     leonaso43 at googlemail.com <mailto:leonaso43 at googlemail.com>
>     Hi everyone,
>     I mentioned on this list a couple of weeks ago an idea to run a
>     session at PyCon UK Teachers' Day on using the Micro:bit's motion
>     sensors.
>     A number of people - including Leona, Steve and Nigel (Cc-ed) -
>     replied wanting to get involved.
>     Encouraged by this, I have just submitted the outline below. It
>     hopefully gives the conference organisers enough to say "Yup, go for
>     it" while leaving a lot of space for us to decide exactly what to
>     present.
>     I am on holiday next week so will finally have time to email
>     everyone who has expressed interest about working together sorting
>     out the details.
>     Thanks
>     Stephen
>     *Title: *
>     Enriching Maths and Physics teaching with Micro:bit motion sensors
>     *What are you proposing? *
>     A workshop for Teachers' Day
>     (duration/number of attendees are flexible. TBD with PyCon UK
>     organisers)
>     *Abstract: *
>     The BBC Micro:bit has powerful accelerometer and compass motion
>     sensors. While they are fun for kids to play with, we show how they
>     can also be used in class to bring some key Maths and Physics
>     principles to life.
>     This workshop session is intended for teachers who want to learn
>     about using  micro:bit in their classes. No specific knowledge of
>     micro:bit or Python programming is assumed. People who already know
>     Python and micro:bit are also welcome to join in, especially if you
>     can help the teachers get started.
>     Teachers and helpers are asked to send their ideas for teaching
>     examples to me at mail at stevesimmons.com
>     <mailto:mail at stevesimmons.com> well before the Teachers' Day. We
>     will write up several examples to present in full, with some others
>     as group exercises.  
>     *Why will people be interested: *
>     This is a practical session to help teachers integrate micro:bit
>     into their classes. It can accommodate all levels of experience and
>     teachers and non-teachers are welcome.
>     *What level of audience: *
>     Novice
>     *More information about you (public): *
>     Stephen has been a Python programmer since 2000. He trained as a
>     mathematician and electrical engineer, with a PhD in signal
>     processing for radar target detection. After a period as a
>     management consultant, he worked for credit card companies in
>     Australia and The Netherlands, running areas like marketing, risk,
>     operations and strategy. Six years ago, he moved back into
>     technology and joined JPMorgan in London, where his team uses Python
>     to build trading, risk management and analytics systems.
>     *More information about you (private): *
>     I presented the tutorial "Pandas from the Inside" at PyData London
>     on 6 May 2016. I have also submitted a separate proposal on motion
>     sensors data fusion for the main PyCon UK conference.
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