[Microbit-Python] Using micro-python to send simple radio commands?

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Fri Jul 8 04:00:12 EDT 2016


Yes, the draft API docs (here:
for the upcoming module describe a config method where you can override
the defaults for: message length, queue size, channel number, power,
address and data rate.

It'll have two send/receive methods: send_bytes/receive_bytes (for
arbitrary bytes) and a simple convenience send/receive (for strings).
The former allows advanced users to send any arbitrary data, the latter
(for kids) facilitates the simplest possible messages with zero overhead.

FWIW, I was writing the C for this stuff on the train into work this
morning. I should have it finished off this evening after my commute
home. Will then be tested and I hope it'll be in master by the end of
next week.

Hope this helps.


On 08/07/16 08:50, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there plans to support changing the tx power using MicroPython?
> I'm happy to send people prebuilt hex files if required - email me off list.
> Cheers,
> Ben.
> On 7/7/16, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
>> On 07/07/16 11:26, David Whale wrote:
>>> Ben from BBC research recompiled MicroPython, and repackaged uflash and
>>> mu and got it working himself recently for a coder dojo he was running.
>>> He is bmustillrose on twitter, I'm sure he would share his build with
>>> you if you wanted to get going quickly?
>>> David
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>> As it stands, it should be in the latest version of Mu / uFlash sometime
>> at the end of next week.
>> Updating the version of MicroPython on the BBC website is problematic.
>> N.
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