[Microbit-Python] micro:bit - communications with a PC

David Booth david.f.booth at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 22 04:14:59 EST 2016

Hi Austen
Couple your micro:bit to your PC using a USB cable with the appropriate
ends (if you bought the full kit micro:bit it came with a short cable but
most Smart phone USB charger cables will work). Then in your web browser
(say Chrome - not all work) go to www.microbit.org and click "Lets Code".
You get a choice of Microsoft PXT ( a form of block code with radio link
option), Python (two versions and includes radio links), Block Code,  Java
Script, Microsoft Touch Development.  All have documentation. Select the
language you are most familiar with but if you want the easiest try the
Block Editor which is just drag and drop like building Lego. It has a
micro:bit emulator which is easy to run to check your script (programme).

Happy programming

On 21 December 2016 at 21:52, Austen Rose via Microbit <microbit at python.org>

> Hi All,
> I am a recent user of the micro:bit, so apologies for possibly silly
> question:
> Is there any way of using the USB port, or the bluetooth network, or any
> other connection to interface to a PC? And are there any code examples out
> there?
> Thanks, Austen
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