[Microbit-Python] Driving Neopixels with Pxx other than P0,P1,P2?

Nevil Hunt nevil.hunt at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Dec 12 14:32:31 EST 2016


I've just got the micro:bit driving the Adafruit Neopixel Feather board using the example Python code in the 'read-the-docs' and it works well! (but I might need to buy a new pair of sunglasses!)

The 'read-the-docs' says it can use P0, P1 or P2 which I've checked all work. I then wondered if it would work with other Pxx such as P8, P12 or P16 but it doesn't.

Since driving Neopixels is entirely digital is there any fundamental reason why the use of other Pxx couldn't one day be enabled?


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