[Microbit-Python] 8-Ohm; 1W speaker

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Sat Dec 3 05:50:33 EST 2016

On 03.12.2016 04:10, Sven Turnau via Microbit wrote:
> May I connect the 8-Ohm; 1W speaker to Ground & pin 0.Thank You.

I cannot say whether this would work - it may well break your
microbit due to the low impedance of the speaker.

I have only tried connecting a headphone so far and this worked
well with the speech API:


(you need the most recent MicroPython version to get this working)

Here's a guide for connecting headphones:


A simple bluetooth speaker with headphone plug should work as well.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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