[Microbit-Python] Poland:Microbit

Christian Barra barrachri at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 15:31:07 EDT 2016

2016-08-25 15:20 GMT+02:00 Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org>:
> Hi Christian,
> That is totally wonderful. If there's anything I can do to help, please
> don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks Nicholas !

> Will you be at PyCon PL..? You'll never guess who's giving a keynote
> that'll feature MicroPython on the BBC micro:bit..?
> (Hint: https://pl.pycon.org/2016/speakers_en.html)

Sure, we are on the same page https://pl.pycon.org/2016/ambassadors.html :D

Filip Klebczyk said to me he was waiting to be sure about your
participation, glad to know you'll be there !

> I'm also working on the pythonineducation.org (aliased to pyedu.io)
> website for the PSF. I'm writing it in such a way that it'll be easy to
> adopt / adapt the content for other locales.
> I should be ready to "announce" it for collaboration in about a
> fortnight. IN the meantime, the URL will direct you to a holding page
> containing a working-sh version of the landing page.

Awesome !

I'll wait to know how to contribute.

With Gravitational Cheers,

EuroPython Society board member
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