[Microbit-Python] Poland:Microbit

Christian Barra barrachri at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 15:24:22 EDT 2016

2016-08-24 13:23 GMT+02:00 Joakim Pettersson <joakim.pettersson at join.se>:

> Great idea, I forwarded to the Swedish education ministry also! Hope it
> doesn't feel like a steal Chistian? BR/Joakim (Micropythonista:)

Thanks Joakim, I feel honored :)

> ------ Originalmeddelande ------
> Från: "Carlos Pereira Atencio" <carlosperate at gmail.com>
> Till: "For Pythonic MicroBit related discussions" <microbit at python.org>
> Skickat: 2016-08-24 13:13:41
> Ämne: Re: [Microbit-Python] Poland:Microbit
> That sounds fantastic! A great and exiting initiative, this is one of the
> reason why I love this community so much.
> It would interesting to know the type of resources you are planning to use
> or create? Including things like their formatting, distribution methods and
> stuff like that? Is there any specific goal in addition to teach
> programming? I've got the impression from the slides you might only be
> preparing a single 3-4 hours workshop, is that correct?
Hi Carlos !
I really appreciate your enthusiasm :)

The idea is to prepare the materials for a laboratory of 3-4 hours (maybe
split in more days)

This materials will be available on github, I will probably create a repo
called Poland:Microbit.

After this the plan is to organise local courses for the teachers and then
organise the courses for the students, probably outside the schools.

The workshop/laboratory will be around that duration, but the plan is to
have more than one, I would like to have this kind of ratio 10 students/1
teacher and also to spread this around Poland.

As I said the feedback was very good and a lot of associations are already
doing something.

For example them: http://www.superbelfrzy.edu.pl/ (Super Teachers)

> And then as a personal interest I was wondering if you had, and didn't
> mind sharing, a general breakdown of the listed cost, as it seems quite
> tight. I don't have any experience organising this type of "remote
> workshops", just smaller local ones and there has always been a significant
> cost not associated with the hardware itself.
The main cost will be for the Microbit, probably there will be the need to
cover some expenses but I really hope to have some companies interested in
joining this project.

At least for now I'm pretty sure to have the spaces for the courses for
free :D

But it will not be a "remote workshop", apart from having a github
repository for the material, everything will be "local".

With Gravitational Cheers,

EuroPython Society board member
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