[Microbit-Python] API design heuristics from PyCon UK

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Sep 22 21:44:07 CEST 2015

Hi Folks,

So, I'd like to call a halt on the bike-shedding. :-)

I believe we had reached a consensus yesterday and I've added photos of
the final state of the white-board and summarised our discussion in the
following pull request:


Please, while everyone loves discussing API design, we need to finalise
things because various people are relying on us to have something that
DOES NOT CHANGE in some fundamental way. For example, David Whale (also
on this list) from the IEE needs to be sure we're not pulling the rug
from underneath him and his micro:bit/MicroPython work. I also want to
add collaborators soon who will be creating further educational resources.

So, PLEASE CHECK THE PR and feel free to propose changes to my branch.
These changes should only be corrections - NO NEW SUGGESTIONS for flat
APIs or other funky stuff. ;-)

We need to be pragmatic, practical and focussed on kids. That means
simple, obvious and easy to use. I also like Larry's concern for
consistency and facilitating the formation of good habits. KISS with a
dash of wisdom is the order of the day. ;-)

Damien, can you leave the PR open for just the next 24 hours so people
have a chance to correct my fumbles and poor memory? (See my "here be
dragons" section.)

In 24 hours time I want us to be able to start working on this. I
certainly want to get the built-in help started soon and definitely
don't want to keep changing it..!

As always, comments, constructive critique and ideas are most welcome.


All the best,


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