[Microbit-Python] Bluetooth Access?

Damien George damien.p.george at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 09:38:45 EST 2015

Martin, what BLE features are you interested in?

As Nicholas said, MicroPython can't currently expose the underling BLE
features.  It's something we are working on!

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> The answer are:
> * No you can't yet. This is because BLE imposes memory constraints that
> make it hard to use Python (apparently the BLE stack takes up 12k of the
> 16k RAM).
> * Damien has a genius plan for how we might get around this. I'll let
> him describe it.
> * As far as I can tell, there's not a lot you can usefully do with BLE
> *right now* - given some onerous flash memory constraints that we've
> already exceeded you could re-flash the device.
> Sorry. :-(
> N.
> On 30/11/15 14:00, Martin O'Hanlon wrote:
>> Can I access the Bluetooth functions on the MicroBit? If I can, how can
>> I? If I cant, could I?
>> --
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