[Microbit-Python] Version 0.9 - mid-Novermber (it *IS* mid-November)

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Nov 16 03:49:44 EST 2015

Hi folks,

A couple of weeks ago, after discussion with Damien, I drew an arbitrary
line in the sand for version 0.9 (the details of which can be found
here: https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython/milestones/Version%200.9).

Several of you have made wonderful and substantial contributions to the
tickets found therein.

Now is the time to put that final bit of effort in an land these changes.

It was my wife's birthday over the weekend and is my daughter's birthday
today, so I'm a tad tied up with family things. But I intend to spend
some time tomorrow and Wednesday on getting to 0.9.

Best wishes,


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