[Microbit-Python] PLEASE CHECK - microbit world tour website

Damien George damien.p.george at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 06:49:48 EST 2015

Really awesome work Nicholas!

I think the instructions are clear, but even so the procedure is a
little bit complex, especially for those who have not used github
before to make a pull request.  I don't think there's much you can do
about this, and we can help people with the submissions, and then once
there are a few already done others can see how to do it.

If only the microbits multiplied by 5 at each person... :)

On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 12:43 AM, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> http://microworldtour.github.io/
> Put simply... does it make sense..? What would you change..?
> Initial announcement will be made on Monday. Updates will be ongoing.
> Also, if you look closely, you'll see who I've chosen to be in the first
> group of 5 recipients.
> (Made you look!)
> :-)
> N.
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