[Microbit-Python] Accessor API design on the micro:bit

Carol Willing willingc at willingconsulting.com
Sun Nov 1 15:09:56 EST 2015

On 11/1/15 10:16 AM, Michael wrote:
> Hi Carol,
> I don't claim to be an authority or anything. I think you undersell 
> yourself by calling yourself a "humble" door opener. I've only been 
> helping with local youth groups for only a few years now --*nowhere* 
> near your level of experience, so I think your comments are really 
> inspiring, and glad to listen to your advice :-)

I'm pretty sure that our collective experiences and discussion will make 
something truly awesome :-)

> I must admit, usually I'm a big advocate for "let's allow this or 
> that" rather than "let's just do this or that". In this case I think 
> we should do "this OR that" (ideally across the whole API not just one 
> area), and any exceptions are well documented. (Reason being less to 
> learn in order to use everything on the device)

I agree. I'm just throwing out ideas to make sure that we know "why" we 
are choosing one approach over another and that we are not prematurely 
eliminating an option that may give flexibility down the road (since I'm 
working under the assumption that classrooms of students will not easily 
be upgrading their microbit - which may be a flawed assumption).


*Carol Willing*
Developer | Willing Consulting
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