[Microbit-Python] MicroBit hack Sunday venue details

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Jun 30 15:20:17 CEST 2015

Hi Folks,

Due to various bureaucratic reasons we won't be having our hack day at
the BBC. However, I have found an alternative venue that's just as
glamorous in the form of the ever awesome Fry-IT (in Shoreditch). Their
location / address details can be found on this page:


Those of you who have been to the Python Code Dojo will know it well. ;-)

I'll make sure I stick a sign on the door so it's easy to spot the door.

Kick off is at 10am and we'll keep going until we stop. ;-)

I'm sorry to say that there was push-back from the BBC about providing
food and refreshments so I guess we'll have to find something ourselves.

Finally, in the coming days I'll be getting you all signed up to the
GitHub repos we'll need to explore.

Best wishes,


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