[Microbit-Python] Python Subsets, what the microbit prototype does/doesn't do.

Michael sparks.m at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 22:39:39 CEST 2015

Hi Tim,

Yep, I remember you :)

I'll write a brief high level description and post it a little later this

(Thanks for correcting my assumption :-)



On 8 June 2015 at 21:06, Tim Golden <mail at timgolden.me.uk> wrote:

> On 08/06/2015 16:36, Michael wrote:
>> Hi,
>> tl;dr - background on the prototype and a first cut of what a python
>> subset must support
>> I don't know how much everyone knows about the project, or what everyone
>> understands or doesn't about what is wanted out of this part of the
>> project, and by who/whom/etc :-)
>> So, this email aims to cover at least *enough* about the former - and to
>> ask some questions about the latter - from the perspective of
>> python-subsets :-)
>> On that former point, I assume most people know /enough/ about the
>> project to be on the list in the first place but don't have much detail.
>> If that assumption is wrong, sorry! :-)
> Actually I'm going to be shameless about my ignorance here. Would you,
> Michael, or anyone else better suited to do it, mind taking a step back and
> outlining the overall picture, and then zooming back in to the role you
> hope this group can play? Perhaps I'm the only person who's only seeing
> pieces of a jigsaw here, in which case I can only hope that a further
> explanation will do no worse than give the better informed an excuse to use
> their Delete key.
> Thanks very much
> (PS and Hello, by the way; not sure if you'll remember me from when you
> were down in London but we did have a couple of conversations about G&S at
> some point as I'd been involved when at UMIST).
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