[Microbit-Python] Need your GitHub usernames

Michael sparks.m at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 19:26:51 CEST 2015

Looks like my work github id only has read access at the moment to this
repository, so I can't push the up to date version of the prototype's
codebase into /refimpl

I'll give Rob a chance to update permissions/ids  :-)


On 5 June 2015 at 15:57, Michael <sparks.m at gmail.com> wrote:

> Further to my prior question as to how much I can share of the reference
> implementation, it appears I can share all of it, since a snapshot is in
> here:
> https://github.com/bbc/microbit-extras/tree/master/refimpl
> That looks like an *OLD* snapshot though, so I'll fix that first - no
> point working off a version that's old. (The diff just for the compiler is
> about 2000 lines)
> Michael.
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