[Microbit-Python] MicroPython / web based code editor / BBC request

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Jul 14 12:11:37 CEST 2015

On 14/07/2015 11:02, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:
> Quite... ;-) I've found https://appear.in/ is quite a lot of fun for
> remote working.

Didn't know about that; interesting

> My aim would be that by the end of a hack day we'd have a code repos
> with comprehensive instructions for a dev environment, work done so far
> and a list of tasks to be done next with a dated milestone (end of
> August??).
> I foresee the actually editor being relatively simple to create and use.
> However, I believe we should look at making it as child/teacher friendly
> as possible. Carrie Anne has a whole list of features based upon
> child/teacher feedback that she wishes IDLE had built in that we could
> try to implement.
> Finally, the project will be *completely open* so there is absolutely NO
> barrier for the wider Python community to get involved. The only issue I
> see with this is the rather opaque nature of the mcirobit.co.uk based
> code (as mentioned in my first email).

All sounds very good to me.

I'm away (in Cheshire) in August and somewhat off the grid -- I'm doing
a course in a place with woeful internet connectivity :) But I'd like to
stay involved. If it turns out I can collaborate remotely, I'd be happy
to try. (It may be possible for me to go into Manchester or somewhere
and work from there for a day).


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