[Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

Michael sparks.m at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 16:06:01 CEST 2015

On 13 July 2015 at 14:32, Jonathan Austin <Jonathan.Austin at arm.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry to arrive late to this thread... I've been away ignoring email :)


I'm afraid I still don't think this is a useful approach...


The main reason is [ good reasons]

Shame. Was worth a try :-)

We can start a new thread about this if people are interested - Damian,
> Nick, David an I have
> had some initial discussions and I've poked the mbed interface firmware
> implementation to see
> how it would play out. Looks feasible and fun...

I'd be interested in this FWIW.

>  Also, who *doesn't* want to dust off
> X/Y/Zmodem and stream stuff over serial ;)
If we're talking about serial comms, I would be interested in getting the
IOToy code working on the micro:bit... It's not complicated, but does make
working with random tethered devices simple, due to a standard API.

cf: http://github.com/bbc/iotoy

For the original tethering code for the prototype it took (literally, not
figuratively) around 20-30 minutes to get this up and running. For mBed
it'll be more work because the core library assumes arduino (because I've
tended to use arduinos...), but it's quite a simple thing.

(The hard part of the original library was getting it working on devices
*much* smaller than the Micro:bit.)

(The software takes a relatively noddy approach rather deliberately
incidentally, since it's intended to be within the grasp of a 13-15 year
old who wants to make their own devices)

Being able to introspect and treat hardware in the same way as a python
object, either locally or via mDNS - including getting help is kinda fun
and useful :)

I've used this serial API both tethered on USB and over serial bluetooth in
the past and it's worked very nicely to auto-generate a local API and mDNS
advertised REST oriented API. (The resulting high level APIs were similarly
targeted at 13-15 year olds who just want to use devices that provide this

Best Regards,

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