[Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Jul 7 17:11:28 CEST 2015

On 07/07/2015 15:53, Michael wrote:
> Saying how that is happening I think requires a decision, and I suspect
> that if the concensus amongst pythonistas here is that micropython is
> the obvious way forward (it is to me), then the key question my
> colleagues would have would be "how do we make that fit into the
> workflow for the rest of the system".

Absolutely. When we were looking at this whole thing on Sunday last,
MicroPython seemed so obviously the best tool for the job that all the
other work we were doing to *try* to come up with a TouchDevelop
solution was really an exercise in due diligence because we owed it to
the BBC to *try* to produce a solution to fit in with their preferred

Nicholas' statement yesterday of our conclusions from Sunday was, I
believe, very much a case of: we don't think we can do what you want,
but here's a proposal which we think is a great way forward.

I believe the BBC could do very well to get behind this along the lines
of "for more advanced users, and converging nicely with teachers'
existing tools & materials [ie all the materials available for Python
from RPi and elsewhere], you can drop Python files directly on the
Microbit and have them run, thanks to the wonders of MicroPython!"


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