[Microbit-Python] Please add these users to the Microbit repos on GitHub *before* Sunday.

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Thu Jul 2 17:38:35 CEST 2015

On 02/07/15 16:33, David Whale wrote:
> Microsoft do provide a mode.js download of touchdevelop, I have the
> standard edition running locally on my Mac with the minecraft target.. I
> don't know how this is packaged, and I m sure it is missing a lot of
> detail specific to microbit, but might be a good place to start.

I already have that running on my local Debian (!) machine. Jonny has
introduced me to the Microsoft team and I've sent over a bunch of
questions for them about how it all fits together in terms of the
microbit.co.uk flavour. I've also dug up a some cryptic documentation
about the TouchDevelop AST which will be really useful if we decide to
go the Python-ish -> AST route (which, from where I'm standing at the
moment, is the lowest hanging fruit).

> I don't need touchdevelop code myself, I have an mbed account I will
> email Mick later for this, as I am interested more in the platform side
> for internet IoT connectivity over Bluetooth and USB serial

You're SO hardcore. :-)

We'll be able to catch up tomorrow anyway at RPi Towers when we get to
see what Damien has managed to do with MicroPython. Now, I'm really
looking forward to *that*.


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