[Microbit-Python] Another native solution... this time with QT

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Dec 7 18:37:15 EST 2015

The result of this evening's hacking... :-)


I think I prefer this to the Chrome based solution for the following

* QT5 is mature.
* This code can be packaged into a static single .exe file user's can
just drop onto their filesystem.
* It's actually written in Python..!
* It's cross platform Windows, OS X and Linux without the need for
external dependencies (like Chrome / Chromium).
* Finally, it should work quite well on a RPi.

Based upon Dan Pope's Puppy editor but gutted to create an MVP.

Look and feel based upon Steve Hawkes designs. I'm completely knackered
now so will tidy up the code in the morning, document it and push to
GitHub so you can all dive in and help.

As always, comments, constructive critique and ideas are most welcome..!

Best wishes,


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