[Microbit-Python] building a branch

Mark Schafer mschafer at wireframe.biz
Thu Dec 3 02:44:29 EST 2015

I'm having difficulty getting a branch to compile to a hex.

1. Ive got the https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython cloned locally

2. I've done a "git checkout neopixel" to get the neopixel branch current
     - (There are only two branches: Master and neopixel) "git branch 
     - I've verified that the file modneopixel.cpp is in the source 
folder. So pretty sure I have correct branch.

3. I've built using yotta:
     - yt target bbc-microbit-classic-gcc-nosd
     - yt up
     - yt build

4. The resulting file, as indicated in the readme, is in:
     - build/bbc-microbit-classic-gcc-nosd/source/
     - as a hexfile

5. The instructions say to run "make" to add any changed qstrs
     - the resulting hex is in build/firmware.hex.
     - I've tried "make" and also "make -B", both initiated from the 
micropython directory

When I load this hex onto the Microbit. I don't see the neopixel module.
     - in the neopixel branch there is an additional file called 
modneopixel.cpp which exposes the neopixel object
     - so it should be visible.
     - No errors are shown on screen during the compile phases.

Can someone with more experience indicate which step in the process I 
have not done ?
Or how I might check further to see where problem lies ?
Thanks, Mark...

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