[meta-sig] Another try at a Python Web SIG?

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Fri Sep 12 06:05:58 EDT 2003

In a message of Thu, 11 Sep 2003 16:14:02 PDT, Guido van Rossum writes:
>> I know this was just discussed a few months ago, but I'm very
>> interested in getting a Web SIG together or reinvigorated or whatever
>> it takes.  The current Web support in Python is somewhat embarassingly
>> patchy, given the neatness of the rest of the system.
>Right.  I just had to pick an app server technology for a small
>project here, and found it surprisingly hard to figure out what's out
>> My specific thinking is about three things:
>> 1)  Add SSL server-side support to the "socket" module.  This will
>>     include some way of managing certificates.  Probably modelled
>>     strongly after the way we did it in ILU, if I do it :-).
>Cool -- this is another thing that I could use in my new job.  I think
>there's a 3rd party package that does this, though.  (Can't remember
>the name right now.)  But we ought to have more complete OpenSSL
>wrapeprs in the standard library.

We have one. http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/  Manages crtificates great.

Martin Sjögren wrote it.

School has started, so he is back being a csc grad student, but you
can still mail him here.   I've cc'd him on this.


>> 2)  Update the "httplib" module to include all of the client-side
>>     functionality available in the Linux "curl" program (a reasonable
>>     checklist, I think, but am open to better suggestions).
>I don't know curl and have no big needs in this area, but httplib
>certainly shows its age, despite having been rewritten once already.
>> 3)  Replace/extend the BaseHTTPServer and SimpleHTTPServer modules with
>>     an extended webserver module which provides at least the
>>     functionality in Medusa.
>Good idea.  I think there may be some useful stuff in Zope that we
>might be able to incorporate.
>> I'd be happy to work in #1 (starting with a PEP, I think) and provide
>> help with #2 and #3, if others would like to pitch in.  I don't want
>> to collide with others who are working on this already, and think a
>> SIG would be a good way to coordinate efforts.
>If you want to coordinate the SIG, I'll join as an observer.
>--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
>Meta-sig maillist  -  Meta-sig at python.org

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