[meta-sig] Your opinion for a Sony Digital Camcorder

Research Team L1528669714.28239.1@service.emailfactory.com
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 21:46:35 -0500

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Your Experience Counts!

Answer 7 quick questions about marketing and you will be automatically 
entered to win a Sony Digital Camcorder. (Average survey takes 60  
seconds) Click the following link:

Absolutely no obligation - we'll even send you the results of the survey 

if you would like to know what other professionals in the industry are 
saying about marketing and acquiring new business.

Thank you for your support.

FBL Research

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<title>your opinion counts</title>
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<table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
    <td height="29"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#666666">Your 
      Marketing Experience Counts!</font></td>
    <td height="29"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1"> 
      Answer 7 quick questions about marketing and you will be automatically entered 
      to win a <b>Sony Digital Camcorder</b>. (Average survey takes 60 seconds) 
      <a href="http://mail.fatbottomline.com/redirect.cfm?key=5BEE439703B042BFBEF3E378938BDD57-28239-960&redirect=www.fblresearch.com/survey_marketing3.htm">Click here</a>.</font></td>
    <td><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">Absolutely 
      no obligation - we'll even send you the results of the survey if you would 
      like to know what other professionals in the industry are saying about marketing 
      and acquiring new business.</font></td>
      <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">Thank You 
        for your support.</font></p>
      <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">FBL Research</font></p>
      <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">To forward 
        this survey to an associate, <a href="http://mail.fatbottomline.com/redirect.cfm?key=5BEE439703B042BFBEF3E378938BDD57-28239-960&redirect=emailfactory.com/refer/mailform.cfm?ListMessageID=28239">click here</a>.<br>


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