[meta-sig] encryptioin/compression sig

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 16:19:26 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "PCD" == PC Drew <drewpc@colorado.edu> writes:

  PCD> Okay, so I've been using Python for about a year now and the
  PCD> more I use it the more I really like it (doing without ++ and
  PCD> -- is kinda hard, but I'll get by!).  One thing that I've
  PCD> noticed is that there isn't a real big interest in compression
  PCD> or encryption.  I notice this because there aren't any modules
  PCD> (or a small amount) that do this!

The number is small but not zero.  Some of the packages that exist
provide a large collection of encryption algorithms.

  PCD> I'm proposing a SIG that will encompass both cryptography and
  PCD> compression libraries in a clean API so that users can
  PCD> encrypt/decrypt or compress/decompress files or strings easily.
  PCD> In addition to creating the APIs, also wrapping C libraries of
  PCD> many of the popular algorithms.

I don't see that there is a need for a sig to accomplish.  I also
wonder if much of what you propose isn't already done.  Have you
looked at, for instance, mxCrypto/amkCrypto or M2Crypto?

(The latter is at http://www.post1.com/home/ngps/m2.)

  PCD> Feedback?  If people are interested (or not adverse to it),
  PCD> then I'll draft up a formal proposal with a name, description,
  PCD> and the like.

If you have time to do work on crypto stuff, why don't you raise the
issue on python-crytpo@egroups.com and see what needs the people there
identify?  There is no need to reinvent the wheel, but there is lots
of opportunity for someone to contribute.
