[META-SIG] Is spam getting you down

Ken Manheimer klm@python.org
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 20:37:40 -0500 (EST)

Dear friend,

Can you say, "I don't like spam"?  Have you always wished you could do
more than curse and whine about it it, but believed you're doomed with
it unto ETERNITY?  I did, too!  But then i heard about a plan so
stupid that i HAD to try it!  And you know what?  My life will NEVER
be the SAME!  I am so grateful for this wonderful new change that i
have to share the secret with EVERYONE IN THE WORLD!

Well, maybe just the meta-sig, for now.-)

Seriously, i've hacked majordomo with what should reject a lot of the
spam hitting python.org mailing lists.  Specifically, we will be
rejecting all messages which do not include the name of the list
somewhere among the to or cc recipients - e.g., for this message,
'meta-sig'.  From cursory examination of the archives i don't see any
genuine messages that would have been rejected, and it looks like most
spam would fail this test.

There may be some shaking out - i have nearly zero perl experience.
But i have exercised the new mechanism in vitro as best i could, it
does seem to be working - and it's not too complicated - so here we
go.  (Successful transmission of this message will be the second open
test - the first was with the same message, but with a violating
destination address.)

Rejected messages will be sent to the list owner for approval, as with
any dubious majordomo submissions.  The cited reason will be "Implicit
list destination...".  If you receive excessive or questionable
examples of such, please let me know asap.

I hope this helps.  Please let your subscribers know asap, so they are
aware of requirement of the destination list explicitly spelled out
among the recipients.


Ken Manheimer

META-SIG  - SIG on Python.Org SIGs and Mailing Lists

send messages to: meta-sig@python.org
administrivia to: meta-sig-request@python.org