[PYTHON META-SIG] Re: Local usergroup meeting

Michael McLay mclay@nist.gov
Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:02:30 -0500

Andrew Kuchling writes:
 > 	[Should we take this topic to the Meta-SIG, which is also for
 > PSA activities, instead of just cc'ing each other?]
 > Michael McLay wrote:
 > > The first item of business should probably be to discuss the frequency
 > > and goals of the group as well as the desired format for the meetings.
 > 	One question is what the meetings are intended to be.  Are
 > they like mini-workshops, where someone presents work of interest?
 > (Originally I thought that this might leech papers from the workshops,
 > but then I realized people aren't going to travel very far to attend
 > user group meetings---the user group would then be a good place to
 > rehearse presentations and get feedback before the real workshop.)
 > 	Or, would it be like a steering committee?  Then meetings
 > would be an extension of the SIGs, a higher-bandwidth way to hammer
 > out consensus on issues.  Either approach would be useful.  IMHO,
 > there are many important things--too damn many things--which haven't
 > been completed, like the module locator and various documentation
 > issues.  (I think this is because many of the SIGs are too small and
 > don't have a critical mass of readers.)  It would be good to try to
 > make decisions on these points at these meetings.

I'm moving this discussion to the meta-sig list.  

What did you think of the idea of having the first discussion being
focused on creating a Python based scientific programming framework?
There seems to be serious interest in doing this at GSFC and we could
use the group meeting to discuss just what such an animal would look
like.  I think that sort of topic would be more appropriate for a
local user group meeting than something like a steering committee
meeting.  It's a fun topic rather than a bookkeeping activity.

For those on the meta-sig list that haven't a clue what led to this
posting.  Ken, Andrew, and I have been discussing having a DC area
Python users group meeting.  Unless a better idea for a location is
volunteered the first meeting will probably be sometime between April 15th
and May 15th at the Bethesda Public Library from 6:30-8:00.  They
charge $25/year for groups to hold meetings in their meeting room, so
we may pass the hat to pick up the tab.  Post group meetings will move
to one of two potential locations.  A new brew pub in the triangle, or
Chatters in the Ramada Inn. (Chatters has between 5 and 8 microbrew on
tap.)  Details on how frequent the meetings will be is the first order
of business of the meeting.

What do you think?  Can we use the last two paragraphs as an
announcment to the full newgroup?  Please makes additions or
corrections that would be appropriate.




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