[PYTHON META-SIG] Getting rid of Majordomo's subject munging

Barry A. Warsaw Barry A. Warsaw" <bwarsaw@CNRI.Reston.Va.US
Wed, 4 Jun 1997 14:11:05 -0400

>>>>> "FL" == Fredrik Lundh <Fredrik.Lundh@image.combitech.se> writes:

    FL> Well, being a medium volume mail reader (not more than I can
    FL> live without a mail preprocessor), I kinda like it.  Could you
    FL> make it a subscriber option?  Couldn't be more than a few
    FL> lines of Python to change, or (what do you mean, "not written
    FL> in python"?)

It's a great idea, but not with Majordumbo.  Looking at Mailman is on
My List Of Things To Do.  At least with *it* I could hack out some
Python to possibly support this (if it doesn't already).  I've had to
hack the MD source to fix problems and all that Perl just gives me the
willies every time.


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