[META-SIG] Re: retiring the db-sig

Guido van Rossum guido@CNRI.Reston.Va.US
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 19:12:37 -0400

> >  [My furgling about HOWTOs]
> GvR wrote:
> > Agreed.  The problem is, we desperately need volunteers to set this
> > up.  Ken Manheimer doesn't have time!
> 	To actually write the documents, you mean?  Ken certainly
> wouldn't be expected to do that...  Perhaps after 1.5 ships we can
> work on this; for the moment it's not a vital priority.

No -- I meant that Ken doesn't have the time to create the
infrastructure.  Such as where do they live, how are they indexed, and
how are new ones submitted.  This may seem surprising, but Ken has
told me he's *very* busy, in part with other system management tasks
for python.org (e.g., CNRI will be installing a firewall soon), in
part with other non-python.org tasks.

> 	Another particularly useful HOWTO would be one for PythonWin;
> someday somebody should trawl through the PythonWin-SIG archives and
> pull out examples, useful references...


--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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