[PYTHON META-SIG] Proposal for new SIG

Jim Fulton jim.fulton@digicool.com
Tue, 30 Jul 1996 12:29:17 -0400

Ken Manheimer wrote:
> Seems like the only question about the creation of the new sig is its
> name.  Since i didn't see any alternatives suggested, i put out the
> following straw-man candidates:
>  do-sig         catchy but slightly obscure
>  distobj-sig    awkward but more obvious
> I actually think the obscurity of the catchy name might be a hindrance,
> but don't have strong feelings about it.  I'd say anyone with strong
> feelings on the matter (including david, if you really like 'do-sig')
> should speak up, and they can tip the scales, we'll decide this, and
> comission the sig (when barry gets a moment to create the mailing list
> and i can put the sig dirs in place) - probly tomorrow?

I like do-sig much better.

> (Incidentally, re the issue of mentioning OLE specifically in the mission
> statement, though i may appreciate the politics of including such a
> massive segment of the objects world, it seems to me that the following
> line:
> >         o the use of ORBs other than CORBA with Python
> implicitly allows room for that, and it sidesteps the issue that OLE
> currently isn't really network capable...)



Jim Fulton         Digital Creations
jim@digicool.com   540.371.6909

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