[PYTHON META-SIG] Proposal for new SIG

Michael McLay mclay@eeel.nist.gov
Tue, 30 Jul 1996 08:43:46 GMT

David Arnold writes:
 > The short blurb could be
 >     DO-SIG: A Special Interest Group for Distributed Object
 >             programming in Python
 > And the mission/majordomo info/web page
 >      This SIG provides a forum for discussion of issues concerning the
 >      use of Distributed Object technologies with Python.  It is
 >      specifically charged with developing a CORBA binding for Python
 >      and submitting it to the OMG for standardisation.
 >      All aspects of distributed, object oriented programming in Python
 >      may be discussed. Examples include
 >         o design and development of a CORBA binding for Python
 >         o the use of ORBs other than CORBA with Python
 >         o Remote Method Invocation mechanism design and implementation
 >         o Distributed Objects and WWW integration
 >         o general Python distributed programming issues
 >      Here are some important addresses for using the list
 >         o Content submissions addr: do-sig@python.org
 >         o Subscriptions addr: do-sig-request@python.org
 >         o List admin addr: do-sig-admin@python.org
 >         o List owner addr: do-sig-owner@python.org
 >      (To get instructions on using the list, send a message containing
 >      only the word 'help' in the body to the subscriptions address,
 >      do-sig-request@python.org . You can contact the list owner if you
 >      need individual help.)
 > A (simply copied) HTML version is available at
 >   <http://www.dstc.edu.au/AU/staff/david-arnold/python-dosig.html>
 > I'd welcome any feedback on the wording, content, appropriateness, etc
 > of either blurb - please feel free to comment.  
 > Finally - does everyone support the creation of this SIG?  I think
 > that we have some valuable work to do, raising the profile of Python
 > in the wider community and making new facilities available within the
 > language.  I think that the specific nature of the work and the
 > potential volume warrant a separate list, rather than cluttering/being
 > lost in the general traffic.

Yes, a SIG would be a good idea.  Should OLE be mentioned in the
charter?  It's not distributed at this time, but that's the future
claims.  How about Active-X?


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