[melbourne-pug] Next Melbourne Python meeting - Monday 5 February

Ed Schofield ed at pythoncharmers.com
Sun Jan 28 16:40:01 EST 2018

Hi all!

Our first Python meetup for 2018 is next week, Monday 5 February. We have
three talks planned:

*1. Fred Rotbart: Hierarchical Temporal Memory in Python* (25-30 minutes)

"Hierarchical Temporal Memory is a biologically-constrained theory of
intelligence originally described in the book *On Intelligence* (Jeff
Hawkins & Sandra Blakeslee). HTM is not a Deep Learning or Machine Learning
technology. It is a machine intelligence framework strictly based on
neuroscience and the physiology and interaction of pyramidal neurons in the
neocortex of the mammalian brain." (from numenta.org).

*2. Andrew Stuart: **How to run your Python code in a Run-From-RAM
operating system in the cloud *(10 minutes)

Andrew has built a system called bootrino to boot Run-From-RAM operating
systems in the cloud in order to run Python code fast and securely from Google,
Amazon or Digital Ocean servers.

*3. Ed Schofield: Data classes: what, when, why?* (15 minutes)

Data classes will be a new feature of the Python 3.7 standard library that
offers types similar to a mutable namedtuple with defaults. They promise to
reduce the need for boilerplate code for classes which store multiple
properties. We'll review data classes versus the popular *attrs* and
*traitlets* projects.

*4. Lightning talks & announcements*

*When:* 5.45pm for mingling; talks starting at 6pm

Outcome-Hub Co-Working Space
Suite 1, 121 Cardigan Street, Carlton

*How to get there:*
Walk 12 minutes north from Melbourne Central station.

*Afterwards:* general announcements and pizza. Then maybe drinks on Lygon

*Sponsorship:* many thanks to Outcome Hub for providing the venue and
Python Charmers
for ongoing sponsorship.

Please RSVP on Meetup.com so we can track numbers:

We hope to see you there! :-D

Best wishes,

Dr. Edward Schofield
Python Charmers
+61 (0)405 676 229
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