[melbourne-pug] melbourne-pug Digest, Vol 131, Issue 8

Levi Cameron levi.cameron at alliancesoftware.com.au
Sun May 14 19:45:19 EDT 2017

> For my personal Django based project, I am getting random test failures
> on Travis, e.g.:
> https://travis-ci.org/brianmay/spud/jobs/231462150
> OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')
> The usual culprit for the message - that the server closed its
> connection due to idle time out and we didn't reconnect as we were
> suppose to - doesn't seem to be applicable for a sequence of automated
> tests - most if not all requiring db access.
> If I click restart job, it almost certainly will succeed.
That message can be triggered by more than just an idle timeout.

Whenever I've encountered this it's almost always because the SQL query was
too big (typically inserting/updating a large blob, or a very large 'WHERE
x IN (1,2,3,..)' clause)


(Although without knowing the test case in detail I would have expected it
would fail consistently)

Kind Regards,

Alliance Software

Ph: 03 9955 7000
Fax: 03 9894 2106
Email: levi.cameron at alliancesoftware.com.au
Web: www.alliancesoftware.com.au
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