[melbourne-pug] General hello and request for help

Andrew Guy andrewjguy42 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 21:39:24 EST 2017

Hi Peter,

Sorry I can't help with suggestions for tutors to help with your project.

One thing that does stand out from looking at the source code is the lack
of unit tests. Might be something worth learning about and implementing
moving forward, especially if you're going to have collaborators also
working on the code base.

The pytest framework would be a good place to start. You're not going to be
able to get 100% test coverage overnight, but you could at least make it a
requirement that any new code comes with an appropriate set of tests.


On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 10:10 AM, Peter Isaac <pisaac.ozflux at gmail.com>

> Hello Melbourne PUG,
> Firstly, many thanks to all those who have gone before to explore the
> world of Python and then generously made their time and knowledge available
> to us who stumble along behind.  And apologies in advance if the MPUG
> mailing list is not the appropriate place for this post, any guidance to a
> more appropriate forum would be gratefully received.
> Some background.  Over the years, I have written a modest but useful
> program (see https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro) that is used by a small
> community of ecosystem researchers to process data from measurement sites
> around Australia.  It uses a very basic, rather ugly Tkinter GUI to control
> the work flow and the user must also edit text INI-style files to configure
> the processing options for their site.  While the original program made a
> huge difference to the ability of the community to process data from their
> sites, its general clunkiness has now become the limiting factor to it
> being more widely adopted and to improving its utility.  At the same time,
> I am coming up against my own limits in terms of Python programming ability
> (I'm a scientist not a programmer) and recognise that I need to change my
> approach from a procedural style, resulting from my history of Fortran and
> IDL, to an object-oriented style.
> To make this transition, I'm looking for a tutor who can help me in the
> following areas:
>    1. Integrate the separate components of the existing application
>    (editing text files, controlling work flow, logging messages from the code
>    to a console window) into a single GUI.
>    2. Replace the existing rudimentary Tkinter GUI with a more friendly
>    one (I'm leaning towards PyQt).
>    3. Transition my own thinking from procedural-based programming to a
>    more OO approach so that over time I can re-factor the existing code to
>    make it more robust and easier to maintain.
> I'm in the SE suburbs, willing to travel or to do remote sessions (Zoom,
> Skype, Hangouts etc) and have a small amount of money I can put towards
> this project.
> Many thanks for any help.
> Best regards,
> Peter
> --
> Peter Isaac
> Ph: +61 3 59685998 <+61%203%205968%205998>
> Mob: 0429053970
> Skype: pisaac.ozflux
> Email: pisaac.ozflux at gmail.com
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