[melbourne-pug] Unicode for windows dummies

William ML Leslie william.leslie.ttg at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 00:30:06 EDT 2016

On 16 August 2016 at 14:24, Anthony Briggs <anthony.briggs at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I was just trying to solve a similar problem at the PyconAU sprints :)
> The error is that there are some things / Unicode strings which don't
> translate to Windows 'charmap' characters, and can't be printed to the
> terminal. You can replicate it with this code:
> print("M├┐ h├┤v├¿r├ºr├áft ├«├ƒ f├╗┼él ├Âf ├®├¬l┼ø".encode("cp1252"))

The print() is redundant here, the function call is never reached;
this is different to the example, where it is the print itself that is

print("M├┐ h├┤v├¿r├ºr├áft ├«├ƒ f├╗┼él ├Âf ├®├¬l┼ø")

will also reproduce the error, but for a different reason: stdout now
fails to encode.

William Leslie

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