[melbourne-pug] Call for Special Events @ PyCon AU 2016

Nick Farrell nicholas.farrell at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 03:13:20 EST 2015

PyCon Australia 2016 is being held in Melbourne from Friday August 12 to
Tuesday August 16. The first day of the conference is the Specialist Day
(previously called miniconfs).

Email the organising committee at contact at pycon-au.org to register your
interest as soon as possible, just let us know who you are and what you
might be interested in running. We’ll then send you the information pack
which contains more information on key questions and some helpful pointers
for running the events.

In previous years, special events associated with PyCon Australia have been
organised by invitation of the main conference organising committee. This
year, an open call will be issued so that any group wishing to organise a
special event may apply (including to organisers of special events in
previous years). The organising committee will then review and select the
events to include in the PyCon Australia 2016 program. Special event
organisers will then be brought on as an event organising team, working
with the main organising committee and other special event organisers to
put together a great community driven event.

Examples of special events that could be included in the program:


   Up to 4 specialist tracks (aka "miniconfs") for Friday's Specialist Day
   (e.g. DjangoCon AU, Python in Education seminar)

   Workshops running in parallel with the sprints (e.g. DjangoGirls, Young

   Associated events run independently, but take advantage of the presence
   of a large contingent of Pythonistas in Melbourne (e.g. Software Carpentry

   Icebreaker events for Friday evening or social events during the sprints

These events are all hailed as a major highlight by conference attendees
and rely on community members coming forward to help organise them. It’s
also our chance to help out these groups, as  organisers can take advantage
of the gathered forces of the Australian Python community without the full
burden of organising a national event.

This is our call to the community: please put up your hand and make
yourself known.

Call for expressions of interest: 15 November - 20 December

Shortlisting of submissions: 20 December 2015 - 15th January

Finalising of shortlisted bids: 30 January 2015

Special event list finalised: 5 February 2015

In previous years, some special events have been organised late in the
piece. This schedule is a nominal time-frame to encourage people to engage
earlier, however the committee will consider late submissions if they will
improve the conference. Early submissions will have priority for rooms and
other support.
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