[melbourne-pug] reply-to header on mailing list

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tleeuwenburg at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 07:01:16 CEST 2015


Turns out it's a slow day and I'm enjoying learning a little about mailing
list administration.

Mostly my gig here is just approving non-subscribed emails, so my
mailman-fu is not strong. Nobody gave me any firm parameters for what being
a list admin really entails, so I'm just going with my best judgment and by
the way there are other list admins too. After completing the reading
assignment, I have some more questions. There is clear direction from the
Internet Gods that reply-to munging continues to spark discussion. Here are
my questions.

When I read emails now, in gmail, the sender is something like "Joe
Subscriber via python.org", and there is just one sender -- no CC, nothing.
The sender is the list, and I treat replies as though I'm on a bulletin
board. The fact the message come from a list is clearly marked in the 'via'
field, plus of course in the subject line where [melbourne-pug] is clearly

What happens to incoming mail if
  (a) I set reply-to to be the poster (i.e. do not munge)
  (b) I set reply-to to be a specific and invalid email address

The downside of not munging (as I now understand things) is the general
confusion arising from sending emails *only* to the poster, then correcting
afterwards, possibly some time later (if it is recognised at all). Well,
according to the Zen of Python, errors should not pass silently! Would it
be technically possible to set things up so that reply-all goes to the
list, but there simple is no valid reply-to address at all?

Luddites like me would be slowly trained to hit 'reply all', with
pseudo-instant feedback. Those who hit 'reply' without thinking about who
the message is going to (or with a very specific understanding of the term
'reply') will also get instant feedback and will not broadcast their
private messages to all and sundry.

Feel free to direct further conversations to me directly (note -- not by
hitting reply!) and we can take some of the noise off the list.

I continue to leave the settings unmodified while the discussion goes on.


On 3 June 2015 at 14:25, Tennessee Leeuwenburg <tleeuwenburg at gmail.com>

> Hmmm looks complicated. Seems like we could be better off with a Facebook
> group.
> <ducks for cover/>
> On 3 June 2015 at 14:10, Tennessee Leeuwenburg <tleeuwenburg at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> +1 informative
>> I will happily do some further reading.
>> On 3 June 2015 at 12:58, Andrew Stuart <andrew.stuart at supercoders.com.au>
>> wrote:
>>> Here’s what Barry Warsaw (Mailman lead developer) has said on the topic:
>>> http://wiki.list.org/DOC/What%20about%20setting%20a%20%22Reply-To-%22%20header%20for%20the%20list%3F
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> melbourne-pug mailing list
>>> melbourne-pug at python.org
>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/melbourne-pug
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> Tennessee Leeuwenburg
>> http://myownhat.blogspot.com/
>> "Don't believe everything you think"
> --
> --------------------------------------------------
> Tennessee Leeuwenburg
> http://myownhat.blogspot.com/
> "Don't believe everything you think"

Tennessee Leeuwenburg
"Don't believe everything you think"
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