[melbourne-pug] Job Opportunity - Software Engineer/Developer (Python)

Peter Wright pete at flooble.net
Thu Feb 26 03:36:07 CET 2015

On 26/02 11:19:52, Rory Hart wrote:
> Personally I have gotten two jobs off this list, I'd probably not be
> working with Python day to day if it wasn't for job postings here.

I've also got a couple of jobs off this list (and had another one slip
through my fingers :)), but in each case it was a direct ad by a
project manager looking to hire.

> However this posting is right on topic and I've not seen Liam or
> Halcyon Knights abuse this list.

The potential problem is that then someone needs to track which
agents/agencies they consider "acceptable".

It's easy to say, for example, that Sarah Goldberg from Allegro or
Liam Kelly from Halcyon Knights are "okay", but then we should either:

(a) have some reasonable basis for saying that any other recruiter is
    "not okay" (which could get ugly if discussed on-list), or

(b) allow pretty much any recruiter to post job ads here.

No, I don't want reviewers to give away my endings. I also don't want
them to give away my middles. I would prefer it if they didn't blab
quite so much about my beginnings. Let them summarize my prologues if
they must summarize. People who want to know what happens should read
the books, and sample first hand the pleasures of finding out.
	-- GRRM on story-wrecking summarizers masquerading as reviewers

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